Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation
Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer Myriam Mansoer

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Animation storyboard and elements
Storyboard: Creating an immersive,
spatial experience
How can speculative design be utilized to create a spatial experience about the witch hunts that
fosters reflections and encourages users to critically examine their own societal norms and beliefs?
# What historical events and factors contributed to the occurrence of the witch hunts and why is this
an important story?
#How can the physical environment and spatial design elements be used to translate the historical
atmosphere of the witch trials, offering a sense of presence and immersion for users?
#In what ways can the narrative and storytelling aspects of speculative design be leveraged to engage
users emotionally and intellectually, leading them to reflect on their own societal norms and beliefs
within the context of the witch hunts?
Final research Paper
Final research Paper